Tenth NATO Training Event

Headquarters Allied Air Command Ramstein Public Affairs Office

Ramstein, 16 November 2011

HQ AC Ramstein, NATO’s air command for the airspace north of the Alps is back in the Baltic. On 21 and 22 November, the tenth Baltic Region Training Event (BRTE X) will take place in the airspace above the Latvia and Lithuania. A media day is scheduled for 22 November, where interested media representatives will learn more about the command and control procedures involved in Air Policing.

"The focus of BRTE X is on demonstrating and practising regional air integration," says Group Captain Stephen Richards, GBR Air Force, head of the operations division at HQ AC Ramstein, Germany, "we intend to create some good live and simulated training opportunities for the Air Command and Control (Air C2) centres, both static and deployed. We’re also going to exercise the Baltic Air Policing (BAP) Quick Reaction Alert (Intercept) (QRA(I)) and other NATO flying assets in demanding Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) that are practised across the national border."

What does this mean in practice? NATO jets from Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and the United States, a US Air Force KC-135 tanker aircraft and a NATO E-3A aircraft are going to carry out flying operations. Flying is controlled by NATO’s Air C2 centres at Uedem, Germany, and Karmelava, Lithuania. The Deployable Air Control Centre Recognized Air Picture Production Centre/Sensor Fusion Post – or DARS in short – from Nieuw-Milligen, The Netherlands, is going to be deployed at Karmelava, where it will also control the air operations.

While the air activities cannot be observed on the ground as they take place in a large expanse of airspace at a variety of altitudes, the Air C2 procedures executed at Karmelava are the visible element. The flying part will be conducted if weather permits.

"BRTE X continues to display Alliance solidarity, partnership and integration," says Group Captain Richards, who will be representing HQ AC Ramstein during the event at Karmelava, "it is special this time because we are incorporating a number of simulated emergency situations that the QRA(I) aircraft need to practise. One highlight will be to see how a simulated Search and Rescue mission will go that involves a Lithuanian rescue helicopter that will recover a pilot after simulated ejection from his aircraft."

By bringing in a mix of assets from four NATO member countries plus NATO’s AWACS as well as Air C2 centres, BRTE X offers opportunities to further enhance air interoperability and train essential procedures. Conducted since 2008, BRTEs are coordinated with relevant civilian authorities and agencies. They are open for participation by members of NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme.

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